foreign body
dshihab at gmail dot com 
CV (esp), CV (eng) 

Labirynth of a Lost Language  
Frac Corsica
1 hour long form composition comissioned for FRAC corsica.

I have been thinking a lot about language of late. About the words which have faded on my lips, - ghost words.  Words long abandoned. Words that wrap around my tongue and awkwardly stumble out of my mouth. Words that have been buried by linguistic imperialism, by a lingua franca.
This piece is about language and the state of finding oneself perpetual tongue tied, it is composed of multiple languages, Corsican, French, Arabic and Spanish. 

In this composition, you will find words of decay, words in decay, whispered words of loss, alienation and foreignness weaving between field recordings I collected in Corsica. Here I draw maps in a language labyrinth in a vain attempt to find a centre. Here you will find words about - The other. The outer. Here you will not find a transcript, but an invitation to decipher yourself and also get lost in my language labyrinth.